Work Experience with Hardware projects

Offline Arduino Projects

1)      LED Blinking.

2)      LED fade.

3)      Temperature and Humidity Detection.

4)      ECG monitoring.

5)      Soil moisture detection.

6)      Human Body temperature detection.

7)      Line Follower robot.

8)      Human follower robot.

9)      Obstacle avoid robot.

10)   Distance Measuring device.

11)   Automatic ON/OFF bulb system.

12)   Blind stick.

13)   Smart Dustbin.

14)   Person counting system.

15)   Automatic Light.

16)   Pulse rate detection system.

17)   Oxidation level detection system.

18)   Automatic Train signal opener.

19)    Currency sanitizer box.

20)   UV robot for room sanitizer.

21)   Motion hand sanitizer device.

22)   Temperature and Humidity data store in SD card module system.

Bluetooth Projects

1)      Temperature and Humidity Detection using mobile app.

2)      Soil moisture detection using mobile app.

3)      Person counting system using mobile app.

4)      Distance Measuring device.

5)      LED ON/OFF using mobile app.

6)      Pulse rate detection system.

7)      Oxidation level detection system.

LCD Projects

1)      Temperature and Humidity Detection.

2)      Soil moisture detection.

3)      Person counting system.

4)      Distance Measuring device.

5)      LED ON/OFF.

6)      Pulse rate detection system.

7)      Oxidation level detection system.

8)      Smart Dustbin using ON/OFF notification.

IoT Projects

1)      LED Controller.

2)      Temperature and Humidity Detection.

3)      ECG monitoring.

4)      Soil moisture detection.

5)      Human Body temperature detection.

6)      Robot remote controller.

7)      Distance Measuring device.

8)      Automatic ON/OFF bulb system.

9)      Blind stick.

10)   Smart Dustbin.

11)   Person counting system.

12)   Automatic Light.

13)   Pulse rate detection system.

14)   Oxidation level detection system.

Google assistant control projects

1)      Open and close Smart dustbin using google assistant.

2)      ON/OFF Bulb using google assistant.

3)      Automatic hand sanitizer using google assistant.


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